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Cyber Security

Security Inventory

Security Inventory

Some years ago, a Verizon study showed that most leaks of confidential information from cyber attack involved content or systems not in the security inventory. Of course it is stupidly obvious that if you don’t know you have it you are unlikely to properly control it. But on the other hand, how many of us …

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Cyber Security Intelligence

Cyber Security Intelligence

For a long time, the intelligence and counterintelligence aspects of cybersecurity have been considered a lesser element among many in the field. When people I know bring up things like perception management and counter-influence they are often told that’s not part of cybersecurity. My view of this is pretty simple. If people are using something …

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Cyber Warfare

Cyberwarfare: Evolution & Impact

In the late twentieth century, the widespread use of the Internet revolutionized the speed at which information was collected, computed, and shared. Suddenly, the standard of life became an instantaneous one–where a singular thought could be seen by the rest of the globe in seconds. However, this revolutionary concept did not come without setbacks. Breaches …

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